WOD: 3 rounds for time:

Πέμπτη 211124

50 double-unders
40 sit-ups
30 push-ups
20 single-leg squats

5 sets for load:
5 strict weighted pull-ups
– Pause with your chin over the bar for :01.


For time
5 rounds of
100m Farmer's carry 2x15/22.5kg
10 Devil's Press
200m run
20 DB alternate step-ups

WOD: Heavy day

Τετάρτη 201124

10 rounds:
3 hang power snatches
– Lift every 2:00.
– Build in load if technique allows.

8 sets:
:20 plank hold
:10 rest


For time
1000m row
100m walking lunges
1000m run

500m row
50m walking lunges
500m run

200m row
20m walking lunges
200m run

WOD: Every 2:00 for 6 rounds

Τρίτη 191124

15 burpees over line
Max-cal row
– Rest 2:00 between rounds.


Every 2:00 for 6 rounds
Rounds 1-3-5
200m run
max burpees box jumps 50cm
-Rest 2:00 between rounds.

Rounds 2-4-6
100m farmer‘s carry 24/32kg

WOD: 9-7-5 reps for time of

Δευτέρα 181124

Deadlifts (55/80 kg)
Hang power cleans
Front squats

50 good mornings
– Rest as needed.
– Athlete chooses load.


In a running clock

800m run rest until 5:00
75 wall ball shots 6/9kg rest until 10:00
800m run rest until 15:00
Then for time
200m Farmer's carry 2x16/24kg
800m run
50 wall ball shots

WOD: AMRAP 20 with a partner:

Σάββατο 161124

Max-cal on any machine

– From :00-5:00 and 10:00-15:00, the non-working partner holds a plank.
– From 5:00-10:00 and 15:00-20:00, non-working partner hangs from a bar.
– Partners can only accumulate calories if their partner is holding or hanging.


In a running clock

800m run rest until 5:00
75 wall ball shots 6/9kg rest until 10:00
800m run rest until 15:00
Then for time
200m Farmer's carry 2x16/24kg
800m run
50 wall ball shots

WOD: For time

Παρασκευή 151124

3 rounds of:
10 deadlifts (45/70 kg)
10 burpees over the barbell

Straight into…

3 rounds of:
10 front squats (45/70 kg)
10 burpees over the barbell

20 Jefferson's curls
– Rest as needed.



4x8 Deadlifts 70-85% RM
4x10 Bench Press 70-80%
3x24 alternate Bulgarian Split Squats DB farmer's hold
4x50m sled pull moderate to heavy load

WOD: 5 rounds for time:

Πέμπτη 141124

15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Handstand walk (6 m)


6 rounds for reps
Every 3 minutes
12 burpess box jumps 50cm/60cm
14 wall ball shots 6/9kg
max calories with the remaining time
use an erg of your choise
1 minute rest between rounds


  • Decrease reps so you have 1 minute for calories
  • Burpee/Down-up step-up, heigth
  • Load, height